WWII Newspapers
The museum is lucky to have a collection of 10 original WWII Newspapers that we have been able to preserve and display in the hanging rack in the museum. We recently reorganized this display area so the newspapers are displayed in a manner that will protect these old documents and to display them in the date order that they were published for easier viewing. (Several of these newspapers were recovered from a WWII Bomber Pilot’s military footlocker that his daughter had stored in her home.)
The first and most unique paper we have is the Austin Daily Tribune – Saturday, December 6th, 1941 – Headline “Japs Hurl New Challenge at United States”
Next is the Austin American Statesman – Sunday, December 7th, 1941 – EXTRA Headline “Japs Attack U.S. Harbors in Hawaii and Philippines”
Viewing the front pages of these historic newspapers can give you a unique insight into what was going on during that specific day in history.